AMETEK Test & Calibration Instruments (TCI) is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and developers of calibration instruments for temperature, pressure & process signals, as well as temperature sensors for commercial and technological applications.
The AMETEK Test & Calibration division headquarters are located in Alleroed, Denmark (near Copenhagen), where Jofra & Frode Pedersen have their R&D, production, sales, and service facilities.The TCI division also consists of two US based production facilities, each with its own R&D, manufacturing, sales and service centres:
Crystal Engineering in San Louis Obispo, California, USA
Mansfield & Green in Largo, Florida, USA
Ametek Calibration
Gydevang 32-34, 3450 Allerød, Denmark
Telephone: +45 4816 8000 Facsimile: +45 4816 8080
Ex ia IIC T3...T4 Ga
• The World's Most Popular Test Gauge Just Got Better
• IECEx & ATEX Zone 0 Intrinsically Safe
• Bluetooth BLE Communication
• Cloud-Based Configuration & Data Sharing Software
• 200 Million Point Logging Memory
• Ranges from Vacuum to 15,000psi
• Up to 0.02% Accuracy
• IP67 Rated Dust & Immersion-Proof Housing
100% family-owned in Western Australia. Proudly providing specialist equipment and customised solutions to industries throughout Australasia since 1988.
Our customers are the centre of our universe. Our unmatched experience, knowledge and expertise builds trust and ensures we provide the support you need.
Reliable products from the most established and respected brands in the business. Cutting edge technologies bringing innovative solutions to real world problems.